Monthly Competition
In an effort to stimulate the creativity of the photographers of Tripura, ‘Amiyaprabha Chaudhuri Memorial
Photography Competition’ (APCMPC) runs a monthly, theme based contest where one (sometimes two, rarely three)
image is selected as a winner.
While there is no cash prize involved, all the winners receive goods worth at least INR 2000 during the annual
award ceremony of our mega competition held in December every year.
Also, the winner of the maximum numbers of monthly contest winner (someone who wins at least two or more times)
receives the “Photographer of the Year” award.
To see some of the winning images from our monthly competitions click here.
To participate, read rules and regulation carefully and click here to join our facebook group.
Rules & Regulations
01. Any participant can submit upto maximum 3 images.
o2. Submission start on 1st day of every month and ends on 25th.
03. You can submit one of the two ways.
a) Mail them to us at : **Upload picture with Subject: “Theme Name”, Message box “Name, Theme, Fb link”
b) Upload on our Facebook Group: Click Here
**Upload picture with Theme Name, Photo Submission Number and Hashtag “#apcmpc”
04. Do not TAG pictures to yours friends.