Founder and Chief Organizer.

Dr. Swapan Chaudhuri, MD

Founder and Chief Organizer.

About Us

Jaba Chaudhuri
Trisha Chaudhuri
Ishita Chaudhuri
Debashis Chakraborty
Parthasarathi Chakrabarti
Rudra Chakraborty
Prasenjit Debnath


Our Previous and Current Judges

Top Winners


Moments from previous events


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    I have a passion for photography right from my childhood and I really love a life of being creative. This is not the case with me only. In fact there are many other ardent photographer in every corner of our state Tripura who puffs out creativity through their images. But honestly speaking, in our state there was no podium to showcase such a true form of art other than to have self-organised exhibitions.
    For the past three years, APCMPC has been instrumental in evaluating the creative exhale and also showcasing the best ones on a yearly basis through a definite procedure. I personally feel that it is a great boon for the photographers of our state to participate and display their talent in the monthly and yearly competitions that APCMPC organises. I really appreciate Dr. Swapan Chaudhuri , the captain of the ship and his crew for conceiving such a gallant idea and also for implementing it with such craving and dedication. APCMPC candidly explained in words what passion truly means and how to inspire people with your passion. It is only because of such noble steps that folks like us get an opportunity to partake and witness different cool and amazing work during the competition and the final exhibition.

    There is much more that could be said on APCMPC, but let me end with a thought that –‘ What can be showed by a photograph, can never be by a word or a paragraph’.
    Its wonderful to see the family of APCMPC growing each day. Best wishes forever more.

    Bhaskar Datta
    Plant Scientist
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    The passion for photography has always been there in the minds of Tripurites, but it has been channelized into a fruitful endeavor only after the eventful birth of APCMPC, the brainchild of Dr. Swapan Chaudhuri, in the year 2015. Recognition is the best motivator and APCMPC has provided the much needed platform by motivating the photographers of Tripura, who have been brought together by the shared enthusiasm for a healthy competition. The yearly competition, started in 2015 has metamorphosed into various categorical divisions, including the segment of monthly competition. From the amateur to the pro, irrespective of age & gender, everyone wants to participate & win a prize in APCMPC, which is no less than a sensation today.
    APCMPC has changed my perspective for photography too. I found my true self here, because my first ever recognition in photography came from APCMPC.
    Being a part of APCMPC, since its inception, is a matter of honour for me and like other members, I want to witness it grow beyond the limits of infinity.

    Animesh Dhar
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    সৃষ্টিশীলতা আমাদের সকলের মজ্জাগত, কিন্তু এটাকে টেনে বের করে আনার দায়িত্ব ক-জন নেয়? ছোট থেকেই তো সব স্কুলের ব্যাগ কাঁধে প্রায় একই রকম স্বপ্ন গড়ার লক্ষ্যে বিভোর , এমন অবস্থায় যদি একটা মঞ্চ পাওয়া যায় যা ভেতরের সৃষ্টির ক্ষিদেটাকে জাগিয়ে তোলে তবে আমাদের এ সময়কার যৌবন একটা দিশা পায়।

    ছবিকে ছবি বলেই ভাবতাম, আলোকশিল্প হিসেবে তার সাথে পরিচয় APCMPC এর সংস্পর্শে আসার পর, আর এখানেই বোধহয় APCMPC এর সার্থকতা। এই প্রজন্মের আগ্রহ আর ভালোবাসাকে বছরের পর বছর পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করা, তাও আবার এমন একটি রাজ্যে যা এখনো প্রান্তিক বলে স্বীকৃত, খুব একটা সোজা কথা নয়। এই ঐকান্তিক প্রচেষ্টাকে সাধুবাদ জানাই, আর ধন্যবাদ জানাই চৌধুরী পরিবারের সকলকে যারা দূরে থেকেও মাটির টান সবচেয়ে বেশি অনুভব করেন।

    আলোকচিত্রের গুনগ্রাহী, সৃষ্টিশীল ব্যক্তিদের একসাথে একমঞ্চে এনে নতুন অভিজ্ঞতা ও দৃষ্টিভঙ্গির মিশেলে শিল্পসত্ত্বাকে জাগিয়ে তোলার এ কাজটি নিরলস ভাবে করে চলেছে অমিয়প্রভা মেমোরিয়াল।

    Shibajyoti Dutta
    Tripura Civil Service
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    This group is a great platform for the beginner’s to express themselves, here we get constant support from our seniors, which is great. One other thing is that we can give our photos to get criticized by others and learn our mistakes, and I learnt many things from this group, specially those knowledge given by Swapan uncle on various things, which I think he should write more often.
    And the annual and the monthly competition, they encourages us to do better and better.
    At last this is not a group, this is a FAMILY of photographer’s.
    Hope success for the family in coming future.

    Sabyasachi Acharjee
    Student @ Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya